Sunday, June 1, 2008

Science Daily & World Science News

For all scientists/researchers/academics, who want to keep up with the latest in their field, these two website can be very useful:
* World Science:
Red Spot—the Third Gen­er­a­tion Ju­pi­ter's red spots now seem to have a ba­by—again. The famed and cen­tur­ies-old "Great Red Spot" at right, ac­tu­al­ly a gi­ant storm, was joined about three years ago by a sec­ond, "Red Spot Jr," the mid­dle red spot in size in this pho­to. Now, as­tro­no­mers have no­ticed yet a third red spot, the even ti­ni­er one at left in this Hub­ble Space Te­le­s­cope image. Small though it may seem, it is 3,000 miles (4,800 km) wide. Sci­en­tists be­lieve it may merge with the Great Red Spot in Au­gust. .....

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